Monday, September 21, 2009

A Joyful Surprise!

This morning, we had our routine first trimester ultrasound! Yes, that's right, I'm pregnant! So much has happened since I last wrote, and we've decided it's time to make it public with everyone online.

In mid-July, we went camping with my cousins as we do every year. A week and a half later on a Friday, I got a call that everything was finally ready to go for me to make an appointment at the fertility center. I decided to wait to call on Monday morning so Andrew and I could look at our schedules to be sure we could go together.

Then a strange thing happened. Over the weekend, I didn't get my period. Remember, I've been charting my cycles for years, so when I was one day later than I'd ever been, I knew it immediately. My temperatures remained high, and even had gone to a higher level. A tri-phasic pattern is one sign of pregnancy. So, on Tuesday morning I took a home pregnancy test, but at that point it was really just a formality. Of course, it was positive!

I've been very tired. That's the biggest thing I've noticed. I also am craving Kraft mac'n'cheese and anything with Velveeta. NOT NORMAL! :) But, I can definitely handle this!