Monday, April 09, 2007

Our Favorites! (Kiev)

Welcome to the first addition of "our Favorites"!! We occasionally kept a list of the things that caught our attention or funny situations. Here's what we have so far in Kiev!

1)If cars cannot find a parking space, any sidewalk will do!

2)Jen & Mer saw a dead guy in the Metro station...under a burlap sac, lying on a bench, with a police man "standing guard"

3)In Kiev, watch your step! There are frozen loogies on the ground everywhere!! Guys are spitting all the time!

4)Marlboro will never go out of business! It seems everyone smokes everywhere!

5)Need a monument? There's one on every corner. Communist Rubles hard at work!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comments Jen! Sometimes I feel like nobody reads my blog.... sad, sad. Anyway, I like reading about your adventures through Europe! I am thinking about starting to post in english.. for my english speaking readers (the many millions)
