Tuesday, May 08, 2007

To the Salt Palace (Feb 2)

Happy Groundhogs Day!!

Okay, so the Salt Palace is not really a palace. It is what Saltzburg means in German. We got on an early morning train from Vienna to Saltzburg and shared a compartment with 3 guys (Austrian and German). They were all wearing suits, seemed very well educated, and worked for a company called CARBON Climate Protection. Cool cause to work for! These guys were one of the highlights of the trip for us! We had great conversation, and they were not bashful in telling us what they thought about everything from cars, to politics, to Ukranian women, to history and travel and general US/Europe situations like the Iraq War and the European Union. The main talker of the group said he has one book that he would like George W. to read about how great civilizations/empires fall: they spread their borders too far and neglect matters at home!! He even told us his predictions for the future of Europe, the U.S. and China.

We arrived in Salzburg and our travel companions continued on to Munich. We immediately liked Salzburg. It was a breathtaking city to walk through, and after lunch we made our way to "Bob's Special Tours" for our Sound of Music Tour!

We saw the back of the house that is used as the VonTrap family home in the movie.

We saw the avenue where the kids are climbing/hanging from trees.

We saw the gazeebo where the scene occurred that my family refers to as "the horse trot scene", and the 16 going on 17 song is sung.

We saw the mountain that the family escapes over into Switzerland (but it is really Germany on the other side of the mountain. NOT where you want to go when being chased by Nazis!)

And, Andrews favorite, we saw the international headquarters of Red Bull. It's built on a lake that the founder dug so that he could build his building in a lake.

It was really nice that they took us out into the lake district. The water here is still so clean you can drink from it safely! Many of the lakes are around 300 feet deep and lie between mountains! Beautiful! Anyone considering retirement should consider this area of Austria! Everyone speaks English and it is one of the most beautiful places on Earth! Our little digital camera could not capture the splendor.

We ended the day by buying some Mozarttafel (Mozart Chocolates) and heading to the train station. Tonight we sleep on our way to Paris.

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