Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Mike Huckabee on Rev. Jeremiah Wright

I did not see this one coming. I sure do like it.

As easy as it is for those of us who are white to look back and say, "That's a terrible statement," I grew up in a very segregated South, and I think that you have to cut some slack. And I'm going to be probably the only conservative in America who's going to say something like this, but I'm just telling you: We've got to cut some slack to people who grew up being called names, being told, "You have to sit in the balcony when you go to the movie. You have to go to the back door to go into the restaurant. And you can't sit out there with everyone else. There's a separate waiting room in the doctor's office. Here's where you sit on the bus." And you know what? Sometimes people do have a chip on their shoulder and resentment. And you have to just say, I probably would too. I probably would too. In fact, I may have had ... more of a chip on my shoulder had it been me.

- Mike Huckabee, offering his perspective on the preaching of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. (Source: MSNBC)


  1. As always, the Huckster doesn't have a clue about Right from Wrong in himself nor can he detect it in others.

    This qualifies what is clearly true about him;
    "Mike Huckabee squared himself with the law again last week, but like so many times before it was after they made him do it..."

    AND the unbelievably assinine attempt to make an excuse for Wright's traitorous and racist rantings AND teaching his hate for 30+ years;


    When all else fails, try researching!

  2. winghunter, man!, are you ever behind!

    The first time Wright's comments were plastered all over every form of news media, it was a powder keg issue with the potential to explode. Governor Huckabee was the one who defused the situation with his "slack-cutting" comment. We all saw a different dialog open at that moment. Then Wright pops up again and again..

    From Tammerlin Drummond, Oakland Tribune

    "I never thought I'd see the day when I'd hear myself agreeing with former GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. But he's right on Wright. Huckabee says the Chicago preacher doesn't want Obama to prove that race relations in America have improved."

    There are several similar articles all over the internet if you care to do some research. Gov. Huckabee has unequivocally stated there should be "no more slack-cutting"
