Saturday, June 14, 2008


As Westerners we want Western solutions for Burma. We want planes to
fly in supplies to save people who we know could be saved. We live in a
world where we can replace bad hearts with good hearts, clone organs,
and do bone marrow transplants. We think putting men on the moon is old
school. Flying in a planeload of life-saving supplies should be child's

In Burma making a phone call is difficult. Only seven percent of the
country's 52 million people have electricity. For Burma's excessively
paranoid generals we might just as well ask them if we can fly in a
planeload of anthrax as one of aid. To them, this act might save lives
but it would poison the culture, and while it may be a culture of fear
and defeat, they unfortunately see it as their culture to defend.

Read the rest of Eugene Cho's post on the God's Politics blog here.

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