Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Obama's Faith-Based Initiative

I don't like Obama's decision with this one. Here's the best paragraph I recently read about it.

Perhaps the most controversial component, at least from the perspective of those who have generally supported federally funded faith-based initiatives, is the issue of discrimination in hiring. Most everyone agrees that these federally-funded programs must have a secular purpose and that they cannot discriminate on the basis of religion against those who are served. But what about those who are hired to serve in the programs? Obama said his program will not permit hiring discrimination on the basis of religion, which means faith-based organizations cannot consider religion as a factor in hiring people to deliver federally funded services in a religious organization. Harvard Law Professor Martha Minow, who has advised the Obama campaign on this issue, reportedly said that “Mr. Obama would move to ‘return the law to what it was before the current administration.’” It was President Bush who issued executive orders to allow religious organizations receiving federal funds to consider religion a factor in hiring. Obama’s reversal of this policy has sparked criticism from the Christian Right but also from moderates like Richard Cizik of the National Association of Evangelicals, who said this part of the CFNP was “extremely disappointing.”

This paragraph was taken from the full article found here.

1 comment:

  1. This basically locks any truly faith-based organization out of this funding, favoring secular organizations over religious ones. I agree that this is disappointing.
